Netflix Open Sources Domain Graph Service Framework

Netflix has developed a Domain Graph Service (DGS) framework, GraphQL for Spring Boot, and it is now open source and production ready, according to the Netflix Tech blog.

“The DGS framework simplifies the implementation of GraphQL, both for standalone and federated GraphQL services. Our framework is battle-hardened by our use at scale,” the blog post states.

According to the DGS website, the framework is based on Spring Boot and built on top of graphql-java. Features include:

  • Annotation-based Spring Boot programming model
  • Test framework for writing query tests as unit tests
  • Gradle Code Generation plugin to create Java/Kotlin types from a GraphQL schema
  • Easy integration with GraphQL Federation and Spring Security

The framework’s core revolves around the annotation-based programming model familiar to Spring Boot developers. Comprehensive documentation and examples are available in the Getting Started Guide.
